Company News

Drawing on the Strength of Shaoshan, Forging ahead on the Road | Dunwill Medical Core Management Team's 2024 Shaoshan Half Year Work Conference Concludes Brilliantly

2024 / 07 / 27

The 2024 Half Year Work Conference of Dunwill Medical, titled "Overcoming Difficulties and Smiling Forward," was held from July 20-22, 2024, at the Shaoshan Hotel in Shaoshan City, the hometown of the great leader of the People's Republic of China, Chairman Mao Zedong. Ms. Sofia Wen, Chairman of Dunwill Medical, and 25 core management team members from various centers of the company attended the meeting.


Follow the Communist Party to Learn Management

On the eve of the meeting, all colleagues of the company's management team presented flower baskets to the bronze statue of Chairman Mao located in the Mao Zedong Bronze Statue Square with utmost reverence. At that moment, the solemn atmosphere deeply touched everyone's heart. Subsequently, the management team also visited Chairman Mao's former residence and the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall. There, time seemed to rewind, and through the vivid narration and introduction of the on-site staff, everyone seemed to have traveled through the long years and personally walked into the growth trajectory of great figures, truly experiencing the great and deeply moving scenes. Every item displayed, every precious picture, is like telling a magnificent history, which has greatly shaken and baptized everyone's hearts.



In order to deepen our learning, the conference also specially invited Professor Dianlin from the Hunan Provincial Party School to give a wonderful lecture on the theme of "Learning Management from the Communist Party". Professor Dai vividly told the wonderful stories of the leaders of various generations of the Communist Party in different revolutionary periods, allowing everyone to deeply understand the wisdom and strength of the Communist Party in management, and also resonating greatly with everyone on how to manage and operate enterprises well.


As night fell, everyone was still immersed in learning and visiting, and each person shared their thoughts and feelings of the day based on their own understanding of the mission and current work of the Dunwill entrepreneurial team. During this period, golden sentences frequently appeared, and the following is the essence of some team members' speeches to share with you.

Ms. Sofia Wen, the chairman of Dunwill Medical, reviewed her original intention for entrepreneurship in her speech. She mentioned that the most important feeling she had was her understanding of faith. She pointed out that what is faith in the company? It is the recognition of a set of values by everyone, and only when a common belief is formed within the team can our work be done well. We should seize all the opportunities we can, strive to create conditions for the survival of the company, and break through every crack to make a difference.


Dr. Hou Ying, Director of the Market and Strategic Development Center, talked about how managers can recognize their own limitations in their work, as well as how to firmly establish goals and overcome their own shortcomings. He believes that everyone should have the quality of daring to admit their mistakes. The entrepreneurial experience of the Communist Party tells us that the future is unpredictable, and only by doing our best to move forward, reflect, adjust, and move forward again.


Chen Jiang, Deputy Director of Manufacturing Management Center, as a representative of Party members, discussed how Party members can set good examples and models based on their own situation. He said, "As a party member, today may be divided into the me before today and the me after today. Before today, I did not do a good job as a model leader in the company. Through today's learning, I will no longer be limited to my own work scope, but will actively share my experience with everyone.

Zhang Xiaorui, the director of the Human Resources Center, is a new employee who has been with the company for less than half a year. She shared her experience of choosing and joining the company, as well as her current feelings of following in the footsteps of great people and maintaining her original intention; Follow the right people, do difficult but right things, and carry forward our great cause.


Collective Wisdom and Efforts for a Grand Plan

In the next day's work meeting, CFO Mr. Zhou Wen reported to everyone on the financial operation of the company in the first half of the year. Which businesses have made progress? Which businesses still have shortcomings? The report provides a detailed data analysis report on the current operating status of the company. Subsequently, Mr. Hou Ying, Director of the Market and Strategic Development Center, delivered a keynote work report on behalf of the company's management at the conference. In the report, Dr. Hou Ying analyzed in detail the market competition opportunities and pressures currently faced by the company, systematically sorted out the company's competitive advantages and existing shortcomings, and for the first time fully elaborated on the management's thoughts on the future operation of the company, proposing a business model concept with Dunwill characteristics. Colleagues in attendance also provided suggestions and recommendations for the company's future business model based on their own work during the subsequent free discussion time.


In the process optimization and sorting discussion section specifically set up in the meeting, everyone fully discussed the more than ten process optimization tasks submitted by various business centers and formulated feasible optimization plans. In the final summary section of the conference, Ms. Sofia Wen, the chairman, first expressed recognition and gratitude for everyone's courageous and responsible performance demonstrated during the discussion. At the same time, it is also proposed that in the future work, all employees of the company should bear in mind two points. Firstly, in the face of complex environments, we need to advocate the spirit of courage first. Secondly, we need to demonstrate and prove to our partners that our work is meaningful, effective, and can help them achieve success. The success of our partners will promote the success of Dunwill!


This trip to Shaoshan is not only a learning journey, but also a spiritual baptism and team cohesion. We will draw strength from here, clarify our goals, unify our thinking, overcome obstacles, smile forward, and create even better performance in our future work!